Theme Styling with the sx Prop

Enhance your component flexibility while sticking to your design principles.

As React components become the building blocks of our application, styling them becomes a crucial part of our development. Scaling these styles as our codebase grows is critical – balancing modularity, performance, and developer experience.

Today, there are many ways to apply styles to your React, just to name a few popular methods:

Let's take a closer look at a CSS-in-JS approach used by Theme UI which provides amazing developer ergonomics while respecting design constraints.

A quick setup

The up-coming examples assume a project that has already been set up with Theme UI. To set up a project with Theme UI:

  • Install the Theme UI package with npm i theme-ui
  • Wrap your application with the ThemeProvider passing in the theme object as a prop
  • See the Getting Started section for more details

The sx prop

Theme UI introduces a powerful styling feature, the sx prop. This prop lets you style elements inline using values from your theme.

You can add the sx prop to your JSX elements by simply adding the custom /** @jsx jsx */ pragma comment to the top of your file and importing the jsx function from theme-ui.

This is a similar method to the Emotion css prop, but now we have the nifty features of Theme UI:

First-class component support

Instead of bringing in all of Theme UI into our project, we can leverage the smaller @theme-ui/css package to add sx prop powers to individual components. Theme UI uses this package to add sx prop support to its foundational Box component.

Now, Box has sx prop support integrated into the component and can be used without the need for the JSX pragma.

Moving the sx function to its own utility file, this helper can be used to add the sx prop as a first-class styling feature for any component.

Next steps

This is a simple approach for adding a powerful styling layer to your React components, allowing for flexibility while promoting development within the theme constraints.

I recommend checking out the Theme UI source code on how this technique is taken one step farther in adding theme-based variants, base styles, and hooking in additional prop conveniences from Styled System.

You can expand on this technique by using your foundational Box component as the basis for all your UI pieces. More on that in part 2, Building from the Box.

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